Cayin Pearl 30i Anniversary Tube Amplifier



229 000,00 kr
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Separate and Independent Power
Supply System
Pearl 30i the 30th Anniversary Tube Amplifier is an Integrated Amplifier in two
cabinets with separate Amplifier Unit and Power Supply Unit. In the Power
Supply unit it is combined by four pieces of Power Transformers, which are
two pieces for the Left Channel and two pieces for Rig ht channel. Each
channel has its own High Voltage Power Supply and Low Voltage Power
Power supply of each channel is combined by 800 watts High Voltage Power Supply and 200 watts to guarantee the dynamic and transient response during music playback.
Amplifier Unit and Power Supply Unit take high rigidity of chassis structure with finest vibration damping treatment. You can put the units side by side or up and down. It can help realize the best S/N Ratio and lower the magnetic interface to the Amplifier Unit.
Customized Power Cables between the Amplifier Unit and Power Supply Unit. Left and Right channel take four cables made out of 6N Copper Silver Plated Wire.
Pearl 30i is designed on basis of Tungsol KT170 Power Tubes. It outputs 230
watts Power in Ultralinear Mode or 145 watts power in Triode Mode per
channel. Designed in Class AB Push-Pull Pearl 30i takes four pieces of powerful
KT170 tube per channel.
Dynamic Auto Bias
Pearl 30i takes Auto-Bias Design for the KT170 Power Tubes. With auto bias
design if you changed the Power Tubes you do not need to adjust the bias
manually. Bias can be adjusted automatically and precisely so that all tubes
can be matched which can raise the reliability of the Power Tubes and provide
an extended lifetime of the Power Tubes.
Dual Operation Mode:
Pearl 30i offers two operation modes: Triode and Ultralinear. Change the output mode you
will get a different sound signature instantly.
Triode Mode: Tendering, Rich in Harmony and smooth. Ideal for Vocal and instrumental Music.
Ultralinear Mode: Has power and extension. Clean with energy. Ideal for music as punch and dynamic and at such mode it offers excellent control ability.
Dual Timbres:
choices of two timbres: Dynamic and Soft, which has been realized by adjusting the operation current of the KT170 Power Tubes.
High-Precision JRC MUSES 72320V electronic volume controller to provide low noise, low
distortion and 106-step linear volume control.
With programmed MCU Pearl 30i is designed with a variety of protection circuits and power-on timing so that the amplifier works in the best condition: 60s Time Delay during Switch on, Soft Start Circuit and BMI Function.
Inputs and Outputs
Four pairs of line inputs, one pair of Balance Input, one pair of RCA Pre-In and one pair of XLR Pre-In are located on the rear panel of the amplifier. In our Pearl 30i Integrated Amplifier not only the Single Ended RCA inputs provided but also the XLR Balance Input offering you multiple choices to connect with various of Audio Systems.