En ny modern förstärkare och DAC
från Musical Fidelity

Musical Fidelity A1

Musical Fidelity A1
In Hi-Fi, the Musical Fidelity A1 has become one of the most classic designs – inside and out. First released back in 1985, it quickly made waves for being an absolute beast when it came down to driving some of the most difficult speakers of that time, even though it was actually a rather low powered integrated amplifier. But: it was all done in pure Class A with excellent and expertly laid out discrete symmetrical circuitry topology and using only highest quality components. The A1 showed people that there was more to amplifiers than just high power. "The new A1 enchanted with an incredibly coherent, colorful and natural sound of high cohesion for the money, reminiscent of good tube amplifiers."
Musical Fidelity M3X DAC

Musical Fidelity M3X DAC
With its technical prowess, superb technical performance, careful PCB design in Musical Fidelity tradition, meticulous power supply layout and excellent build quality, the new M3x DAC offers a truly outstanding offering modern high-end DAC design.

Välkommen att höra av er för att prata mer om Musical Fidelitys nya produkter. Hälsningar, HiFi Stället.