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Nyhetsbrev | April 2024


Månadens produkt:

Primare A35.2

- Stereophile rekommenderar Stereophile, USA, March 2024

A35.2 – Stereophile Recommended Component

Class A (solid state) – This hefty Swedish amplifier uses what Primare calls their “proprietary UFPD2 analogue class-D amplification technology” to deliver 200Wpc into 8 ohms. According to the manufacturer, UFPD2 integrates the class-D output stage and the necessary low-pass filter, “making control with feedback much more immediate and accurate.” HR found that with his Magnepan .7 speakers, the A35.2 sounded very similar to the slightly more expensive Bel Canto Ref600M class-D monoblocks. He wrote that the A35.2 “gripped the Magnepans’ diaphragms with greater control and force than either the class-A Pass Labs XA25 ($4900) or the $3495 all-tube, class-AB Rogue Stereo 100 (in Ultralinear mode). This control delivered a tauter, more rhythmic bass.” With Harbeth M30.2 speakers, HR found that the Primare’s high frequencies were “crisp and super-clear—but not luxuriant and engaging.” On the test bench, the Primare exceeded its specified powers, clipping at 225Wpc into 8 ohms and at 460Wpc into 4 ohms. ”

Riktpris: 40500 SEK


Stort lager NOS Revox / Studer delar

HiFi Stället har införskaffat originaldelar till modellerna G36, F36, A77 m.fl.


Nu finns legendariska pianisten Jan Johanssons privata

Revox G36 rullbandspelare för visning i butiken.


McIntosh ML1 MkII finns snart för demo

Högtalarna i vintage-estetik med den nya stora McIntosh-ljudbilden är påväg till butiken i maj 2024. Paret ML1 högtalare är beställda av kund som mycket vänligt tillåter en demo-period i butiken innan hemleverans. 

Kontakta butiken om du vill vara med och lyssna på nya McIntosh ML1 MkII

McIntosh ML1 MKII är en modern-retro tolkning av företagets allra första högtalardesign från 1970-talet. Denna högtalare är ett 4-vägs system med 5 separata drivrutiner och är konstruerad för att hantera upp till 600 watt.

Här är några nyckelspecifikationer:

  • Basåtergivning: Den använder en 12-tums polypropylenkon med syntetiskt gummisuspension i ett förseglad kabinett. Basresponsen liknar den från originalversionen från 1970-talet (ner till 27 Hz), men utan behov av en separat equalizer.

  • Mellanregister: Reproduceras av ett par 4-tums drivrutiner med polypropylenkon och syntetiskt gummisuspension, i en förseglad delkabinett.

Denna högtalare är en spännande kombination av retrostil och modern teknik, och den erbjuder en expansiv ljudscen så att alla lyssnare kan njuta av musiken. Om du är intresserad av en unik högtalare med en känsla av nostalgi, kan ML1 MKII vara ett bra val!


Musical Fidelity A1 & LS3/5A finns för demo

Klassikern A1 är återfödd tillsammans med underbart välbyggda BBC monitorer.

Kritikerrosade och extremt välljudande. Kontakta butiken för demo.

Musical Fidelity A1


  • Power: 25 Watts per channel into 8 Ohms

  • Voltage: 42.5 Volts peak to peak

  • Current: 25 Amps peak to peak

  • Damping Factor: 150

  • Gain (volume max): 32dB (Direct Mode), 42dB (Normal Mode)

  • Output devices: 2 per channel

  • Signal / noise ratio: 82dB

  • Channel separation: 85dB

  • Frequency response: + 0, –1dB, 10Hz to 40 kHz

  • Line level sensitivity: 300mV rms nominal, 8V rms max

  • Line level inputs impedance: 25k Ohms

  • Tape Out impedance: 220 Ohms

  • Pre Out impedance: 100 Ohms


  • 1 x line level RCA fix TAPE OUT

  • 1 x line level RCA var PRE OUT

  • 1 x 4mm banana/binding posts SPEAKER OUT

Phono Preamp

  • Phono RIAA response: +/- 1dB

  • MM sensitivity: 5mV nominal

  • MM capacitance / impedance / gain: 100pF / 50k Ohms / 40dB

  • MM signal / noise ratio: 75dB

  • MC sensitivity: 450μV nominal

  • MC impedance / gain: 1k Ohm / 60dB

  • MC signal / noise ratio: 70dB


  • 1x phono RCA MM/MC, 5x line RCA

General Information

  • Dimensions (WxHxD): 440 x 68.3 x 283.3 mm

  • Main voltages: 230V/115V Internally set or 100V optional

  • Max. Consumption: 130W, 0W in standby (=Power Switch OFF)

  • Weight: 10.5kg


Musical Fidelity LS3/5A

  • Type: Two way, closed type

  • Frequency response: 80Hz-20KHz +/-3dB

  • Nominal Impedance: 15 Ohms

  • Sensitivity: 82.5dB/W/M

  • Woofer: 110mm Cone

  • Tweeter: 19mm Dome

  • Recommended amplifier: 20-150W

  • Cabinet: 12mm birch plywood

  • Finish: Palisander veneer

  • Dimensions: 305 x 190 x 165mm (HxWxD)

  • Weight: 4.9Kg (each speaker)


- Japansk handtillverkad ljud-excellens

HiFi Stället välkomnar Miyajima pickuper, rör-elektronik, högtalare och analogt sortiment till portföljen.

Miyajima-teamet har stora kunskaper och insikter i pickuper och vinylskivans medium.


" The cartridge release for exclusive use of the monaural LP of a new method.

The existing structure is because I cannot play a monaural LP faithfully.

And we made a cartridge for exclusive use of the monaural LP with a vertical axis concentration method. The cartridge of the vertical axis concentration method plays a monaural LP faithfully. The monaural cartridge developed in the monaural music times is made to play only a monaural LP.

The cartridge of the monaural music times does not work lengthwise, and it is made with the structure that can trace the amplitude by the movement of the cross direction precisely. I evolved a monaural cartridge of the time more, and a cartridge for exclusive use of new monaural recording was born.

Why is a monaural cartridge necessary in the present age?

There are a lot of monaural LPs to excellent records such as classical music and jazz. When I look for the LP of the excellent performance, monaural recording knows a thing more than the half. And I want to come to listen to a monaural LP by a good sound. There are people purchasing a monaural cartridge easily. And there are people playing a monaural LP with an existing monaural cartridge and stereo cartridge. The people feel a monaural LP like an old sound by the influence of the cartridge. And an image is left as an old LP. In fact, the monaural LP has better sound than the stereo LP. The reason is simple. It is natural that a sound is better than the stereo LP to put two signals in as for the monaural LP which installs one signal in one ditch. 

The monaural cartridge of the vertical axis concentration method is a patent of the Miya-jima laboratory. By the method, the wide blurring of the coil decreased, and the needle was easy to work aside and did not move at all lengthwise.

Therefore the generation by a highly precise turn became ideal and was able to change the amplitude of the groove of the monaural LP into a sound precisely.

The vertical axis concentration method expresses space of the best monaural music. The cartridge of the vertical axis concentration method plays only a monaural LP. It cannot play a stereo LP with this cartridge. When it played a stereo LP with this cartridge, a sound is that a distortion and a needle do not work lengthwise, and there is the thing that a needle injures the ditch of the LP.

About using Miyajima-lab monaural cartridges for modern reprinted monaural LPs cut with a stereo cutting machine. It's okay to use Miyajima-lab mono cartridges for modern new mono LPs. The reason is that when a stereo cutting machine cuts a monaural sound source, the sound groove is cut only in the horizontal direction. It can be used on modern reissue mono LPs.

Miyajima-lab mono cartridges do not move vertically.

Therefore it cannot be used for stereo LPs and Duophonic LPs.

These two types of LP cannot be played. Basically, Miyajima-lab cartridges can be used for all MONO LPs. If by any chance you find a MONO LP with mixed vertical signals, please give up playing that LP. However, such LPs are rare. As for blue note LP of the 1,500th level and the 4,000th level, the sound of the cello of Casals and Beatles LP of the product made in U.K., the splendid performance in those days is recorded. And its music revives wonderfully when this cartridge plays a monaural LP. "

Stereopickuper är också minutiöst utvecklade.

" We sell the stereo phono- cartridge of the new method.

The cross ring method broke off the fault of the phono- cartridge. It merges the center point of the coil of right and left by letting the coil of right and left cross. The ability to regenerate of the LP improved drastically by making the center point the fulcrum. I was able to cancel the most of the cause of the conventional big distortion..

There were two big problems in a conventional phono- cartridge.

The conventional phono- cartridge installs a square iron core to a cantilever and winds up a coil to the iron core. And it installs a wire in the center of the iron core. And it is fixed through a rubber damper in York. Therefore the movement point is located in a rubber damper in the outside of the coil. There is the cross-shaped thing to the iron core, too. Those methods become the electricity generating system of the magnetic induction type that they used a core of the iron for so that movement point is separated from a coil. Therefore the piece of iron put in a magnetic field is strongly attracted to a magnet, and it is not thought that it is possible for free, correct movement. In addition, the movement point is vague because a wire is a bending part. The vague fulcrum cannot convey the movement of the tip to a coil precisely. I can predict such a thing at a point in time to design the structure. "


Miyajima Madake stereo cartridge

" We used Japanese bamboo (madake) for a new cartridge.

Mr. Thomas Edison used this special madake to the filament of the electric bulb in old days. This special madake is produced only from the mountain of Kyoto, Japan. Mr. Thomas Edison found this highest quality madake from 1,200 kinds of bamboo of the world. This madake is the firm bamboo which grew in the rich soil of the iron content. Because I was looking for the firm cantilever which was not metal, it was the accidentally same condition.

I negotiated to obtain special madake in Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu Shrine of the mountain of Kyoto. Because I respect Mr. Edison of the inventor, "Edison" is included in the name of my Japanese audio shop. Therefore, they handed over some madake to us in an exception. Madake of ideal materials has special sound quality. Madake is rare bamboo now. They do not sell bamboo (madake).

Please do not do an inquiry of the madake purchase to Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu. 

There is Edison monument in Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu Shrine.

Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu Shrine is one of Japan's three biggest Hachiman-gu Shrine. "


  • Product name: Stereo cartridge -Madake-

  • Impedance: About 16 ohms (About 0.23mV output)

  • Frequency range (-3dB): 20 Hz to 32 kHz

  • Tracking force: 2.5 g

  • Stylus Shape: nude Shibata diamond stylus

  • Compliance (10Hz): around 9×10-6cm/dyne

  • Appropriate temperature: 20-30 Celsius (most suitable 25 C)

  • 68-86 Fahrenheit (most suitable 77 F)

  • Weight: about 9.7g

  • Size: W 18.8mm × D 21.9mm (excluding terminals)

  • Body: African Blackwood


Miyajima Laboratory har ett litet och specialiserat sortiment

- Specialister inom monofonisk återgivning

- High-end shellac pickuper (78 rpm)

- Step-up transformatorer mono & stereo

- Stereopickuper med extrem kvalitet

- Rörelektronik inklusive passiva försteg

- Högtalarsystem med öppen baffel och field coil element, älskade av Mono & Stereo samt Stereophile

Produkter finns i webbshop och snart för demo i butiken.




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